Kombucha Tea

Publié le par justinetime

Sunday is my day to make a fresh batch
I was introduced to this concoction almost five years ago
Seemed a bit odd at first, certainly very expensive
when bought in the Health Food Store
once I was able to grow my 1st Mushroom,
it was easy as Pie from then on.
I experiment with different types of Tea now and again
sometimes I'll use Juice with the Tea
but all in all, the basic Receipt is the same.
1 cup of Sugar & 3 quarts of Tea
Let ferment for 7 days, strain and drink daily
consuming this Beverage becomes a habit, certainly one
I don't want to give up.
Has it made me look/feel younger - of course ((-;
Is it giving me strength and endurance - positively
Would I recommend it - whole heartedly
Do I go a day without some - NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!!
The picture of the Tea in process is courtesy of 'Wikipedia'
here is a link to get more info:



Publié dans Food & Cooking

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